Wecome to Logia, the personal blog of Paul Hartwig. Reflections and resources to enhance understanding of what God has revealed of himself in Scripture.
"Disabusing the Church". I think that this is what identifying with the world-wide Baptist witness is all about. "Disabusing" is a apt word, for it means "to free from undermining or inappropriate and alien elements". Consider all the movements and organizations and individuals that collect under the umbrella 'Christianity'. Baptists strive to express at a local church level what is most essential and characteristic of the universal Church of Jesus Christ. The movement believes that not every entity under that umbrella is authentically Christian or true to the type of Church that Christ desires.
The Baptist churches are churches endeavoring to bear witness to a type of church which is most congruent with the nature of the Church itself, reforming itself from all cultural barnacles and traditional accretions. This 'reformist' leaven should be found in Baptist churches, and all who want to be part of a type of church that is blue-printed in the New Testament should seriously desire to join the Baptist movement.
May 2023