Wecome to Logia, the personal blog of Paul Hartwig. Reflections and resources to enhance understanding of what God has revealed of himself in Scripture.
On the 15th of May 1820 the English Baptists arrived in Algoa Bay. They were ordinary people who had extra-ordinary beliefs, and they pioneered a way of church which most of us take for granted. Read here my brief account of their arrival and of William Miller their pastor.
"Believers ought to see to it that, after they have learned that this life will soon vanish like a dream, they transfer the things they want truly to enjoy to a place where they will have life unceasing. We ought, then, to imitate what people do who determine to migrate to another place, where they have chosen a lasting abode. They send before them all their resources and do not grieve over lacking them for a time, for they deem themselves happier the more goods they have where they will be for a long time. But if we believe heaven is our country, it is better to transmit our possessions thither than to keep them here where upon our sudden migration they would be lost to us. But how shall we transmit them? Surely, by providing for the needs of the poor; whatever is paid out to them, the Lord reckons as given to himself [Matt 25:40]. From this comes that notable promise: "He who gives to the poor lends to the Lord" [Prov 19:17]. Likewise, "he who sows bountifully shall reap bountifully" [2 Cor 9:6]. For what is devoted to our brothers out of the duty of love is deposited in the Lord's hand. He, as he is a faithful custodian, will one day repay it with plentiful interest"
John Calvin (The Instruction of Christian Religion 3:18:6) |
May 2023